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Salon Dessin
Peinture à l’eau

Daniel Gallais

Portrait of the president 

Salon Dessin Peinture à l’eau
Daniel Gallais

Portrait of the president


President of the Salon Dessin Peinture à l’Eau, joined the Salon Committee in 1984. He knows all the ins and outs. As soon as he was appointed Chairman in 2017, he put all his energy, passion and skills into taking the Salon higher and further. He was one of the handful of artists who created « ART CAPITAL » when the Grand Palais reopened. He was its first general curator, and structured and professionalised its organisation to make it a formidable event for over 2,000 international artists. A painter, set designer, decorator and exhibition organiser, Daniel GALLAIS has also designed a number of theatre sets alongside his son Xavier GALLAIS, an actor and director (winner of the Molière for male revelation in 2004).

President of the Salon Dessin Peinture à l’Eau, joined the Salon Committee in 1984. He knows all the ins and outs. As soon as he was appointed Chairman in 2017, he put all his energy, passion and skills into taking the Salon higher and further. He was one of the handful of artists who created « ART CAPITAL » when the Grand Palais reopened. He was its first general curator, and structured and professionalised its organisation to make it a formidable event for over 2,000 international artists. A painter, set designer, decorator and exhibition organiser, Daniel GALLAIS has also designed a number of theatre sets alongside his son Xavier GALLAIS, an actor and director (winner of the Molière for male revelation in 2004).

« For us, a major show is successful if, on the one hand, it is different from the others, but also different from itself from one year to the next! »

« For us, a major show is successful if, on the one hand, it is different from the others, but also different from itself from one year to the next! »





Born in Paris, he grew up in Le Pouliguen, a small fishing port in Brittany. It was when he discovered expressionist cinema that he decided to devote his life to drawing. A solitary artist by nature, he draws from evening to morning in an old house lent to him by his grandmother. In 2009, gallery owner Béatrice Soulié organised his first exhibition.

Victor SOREN

Born in Paris, he grew up in Le Pouliguen, a small fishing port in Brittany. It was when he discovered expressionist cinema that he decided to devote his life to drawing. A solitary artist by nature, he draws from evening to morning in an old house lent to him by his grandmother. In 2009, gallery owner Béatrice Soulié organised his first exhibition.
Born in Brittany and based in Aveyron for several years now, Thomas de Vuillefroy is an innovative painter. After training in stone-cutting with the Compagnons du Devoir in 2007, in 2012 he revisited chiaroscuro by trying his hand at painting with a squeegee and Indian ink. In 2015, he set up his new studio near Espalion.


Born in Brittany and based in Aveyron for several years now, Thomas de Vuillefroy is an innovative painter. After training in stone-cutting with the Compagnons du Devoir in 2007, in 2012 he revisited chiaroscuro by trying his hand at painting with a squeegee and Indian ink. In 2015, he set up his new studio near Espalion.